No, we do not store any data or images. All processing happens temporarily on our backend servers, and the data is discarded immediately after processing. We prioritize your privacy and never store your files on our systems.
Your images or data are sent securely to our backend server for processing. Once the process is complete, the data is deleted permanently. Our servers use advanced algorithms to ensure efficient and safe processing.
Yes, your data is transmitted securely using encryption (HTTPS). Additionally, our backend servers comply with the latest security protocols to protect your information during processing. Your security is our top priority.
No, your uploads are processed temporarily and immediately deleted after processing is complete. We follow strict no-storage policies to ensure your data remains private. The file size is logged **only** for monitoring traffic and optimizing server capacity. No file content or metadata (like file name) is stored.
We do not retain your data. It is processed temporarily on our servers and discarded as soon as the process is finished. This ensures complete confidentiality and security.
We use encrypted connections (HTTPS) to transmit your data and process it securely without storage. Our systems undergo regular security checks and comply with industry standards for data safety.
We are committed to transparency and openness about how your data is handled. Here are some additional measures we take:
If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy, feel free to contact our support team.